1. Belinda Bozzoli,Theatres of Struggle and the End of Apartheid(Edinburgh, 2004) p. 5.
2. Iain Edwards, ‘Cato Manor, June 1959: Men, Women, Crowds, Violence, Politics and History’ in Paul Maylam and Iain Edwards (eds),The People's City: African Life in Twentieth-Century Durban(Pietermaritzburg, 1996) p. 102.
3. Hugo van der Merwe, ‘National Narrative versus Local Truths' in Deborah Posel and Graeme Simpson (eds),Commissioning the Past: Understanding South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission(Johannesburg, 2002) pp. 204–15.
4. P. Bonner and N. Nieftagodien, ‘The Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Pursuit of “Social Truth”: The Case of Kathorus' in Posel and Simpson,Commissioning the Past, p. 175. For a fuller account, see P.L. Bonner and N. Nieftagodien,Kathorus: A History(London, 2001).