Separating eustatic from local environmental effects: a late-Holocene record of coastal change in Albufeira Lagoon, Portugal


Bao Roberto1,da Codnceição Freitas Maria,Andrade Cesar2


1. Universidade da Coruña, Facultade de Ciencias, Campus da Zapateira s/n, 15071 A Coruña, Spain

2. Departamento e Centro de Geologia, FCUL, Bloco C2, 5° Piso, Campo Grande, 1700 Lisboa, Portugal


Diatom and sedimentological analyses of a 7.6-m core of the Albufeira coastal lagoon, western Portugal, provide information about the forcing factors and environmental history of the evolution of this lagoon during the last 2500 years. At this timescale, eustasy is considered to be a minor environmental control on the dynamics of the barrier-lagoonal system. Instead, these dynamics are forced by local factors, such as changes in the sand-barrier permeability. Lithological and diatom facies are compared with present-day environ ments and show that the lagoon evolved essentially as a slightly brackish water body with a salinity of around 1‰. This pattern was disturbed by three major episodes of sedimentation associated with threshold responses in the permeability of the barrier. The first ( c. 2370 BP) did not produce a specific lithological signal and is characterized by a peak in freshwater euplanktonic diatoms, implying an almost permanent isolation of the basin and freshwater flooding. A second episode was identified at c. 1600 BP, when a dramatic opening of the tidal inlet provoked a significant change in the sedimentation regime, which became dominated by inorganic, minerogenic sediments and allowed marine/brackish epiphytic diatoms to flourish together with allochthonous marine planktonic species. Finally, a third threshold occurred at c. 1225 BP corresponding to the establishment of the present-day muddy or sandy-muddy sedimentation pattern. Both the sedimentological features and the diatom assemblages indicate the establishment of a more tidally influenced environment. This reflects regular artificial breaching of the barrier associated with increasing anthropogenic intervention in the system.


SAGE Publications


Paleontology,Earth-Surface Processes,Ecology,Archeology,Global and Planetary Change

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