1. Progressive Cavity Pump [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: bestpump.com/progressive-cavity. [Progressive Cavity Pump [Electronic resource]. - Access Mode: bestpump.com/progressive-cavity. (In Russ.)]
2. Pogruzhnyye nasosy dlya skvazhin: vidy, kharakteristiki, montazh.- [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: energomir.net/vodoprovod [Submersible pumps for wells: types, characteristics, installation .- [Electronic resource]. - Access Mode: energomir.net/vodoprovod(In Russ.)]
3. Pogruzhnyye nasosy dlya skvazhin: vidy, kharakteristiki, montazh. – Elektronnyy resurs. – Rezhim dostupa: bestpump.com/progressive-cavity/ [Submersible pumps for wells: types, characteristics, installation. - Electronic resource. - Access Mode: best-pump.com/progressive-cavity/(In Russ.)]
4. Industrial Pumps, Screw Pump Manufacturers, Dosing Pumps Suppliers.- [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: padmavatisalesandservices.com.
5. Akhmedpashayev M.U Povysheniye resursa raboty vintov pogruzhnykh nasosov vibroobkatkoy ikh poverkhnostey / A.U. Akhmedpashayev, M.U Akhmedpashayev, ZH.B. Begov //Vestnik Dagestanskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta. Tekhnicheskiye nauki. 2016. T.33. № 4. S. 17-24 [Ahmedpashaev M.U. Increasing the service life of the screws of submersible pumps by vibro-rolling of their surfaces / A.U. Akhmedpashaev, M.U. Akhmedpashaev, Zh.B. Begov // Herald of the Daghestan State Technical University. Technical Science. 2016. T.33. No. 4. pp. 17-24. (In Russ.)]