1. Medvedev D.M. Structures and algorithms of data processing in automation and control systems : textbook / Medvedev D.M.. - Moscow : AI Pi Ar Media, 2023; 120.- ISBN 978-5-4497-1873-0. - Text : electronic // IPR SMART : [website]. - URL: ttps://www.iprbookshop.ru/127572.html. [In Russ].
2. Zhmud V.A. Automatic control systems. New concepts and structures of regulators : textbook / Zhmud V.A., Dimitrov L.V., Nosek Ya.. - Moscow : AI Pi Er Media, 2023;158. - ISBN 978-5-4497-1876-1. - Text : electronic // IPR SMART : [website]. - URL: https://www.iprbookshop.ru/ 127571.html. [In Russ].
3. Kim K.K. Electrical measurements of non-electrical quantities : textbook / Kim K.K., Anisimov G.N., Tkachuk A.A.. - Moscow : AI Pi Er Media, 2023; 144.- ISBN 978-5-4497-1881-5. - Text : electronic // IPR SMART : [website]. - URL: https://www.iprbookshop.ru/127578.html. [In Russ].
4. Lepyavko A.P. Contact temperature measuring instruments : textbook / Lepyavko A.P.- Moscow : Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification, 2022; 88. - ISBN 978-5-93088-216-2. - Text : electronic // IPR SMART : [website]. - URL: https://www.iprbookshop.ru/ 126032.html. [In Russ].
5. Lysenko, V. G. Microprocessor information and control systems : textbook / V. G. Lysenko, O. V. Kubkina. - Rostov-on-Don : RSUPS, 2019; 70 - ISBN 978-5-907494-05-3. - Text : electronic // Lan : electronic library system. - URL: https://e.lanbook.com/ book/261956. [In Russ].