Distribusi Spasial, Sumber Pencemaran, dan Kajian Risiko Ekologi Polisiklik Aromatik Hidrokarbon (PAH) dalam Sedimen Pesisir di Pulau Bintan, Indonesia


Yogaswara DenyORCID,Wulandari Ita,Khozanah Khozanah,Edward Edward,Falahudin Dede


ABSTRACTBintan Island is the small island in the Riau Archipelago which borders Singapore and Malaysia. Its water is crossed by international shipping lines. Therefore, water quality in this area is potentially polluted by marine activities. The present study aimed to evaluate the concentration, spatial distribution, and assessment of ecological risks of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments from selected coastal water of Bintan. Surface sediments in this study were extracted by using the ultrasonic system and determined with GCMS. The data were visualized with ArGIS software for spatial distribution mapping, applied ratio diagnostic methods for the source of PAH contamination, and assess their ecological risk based on sediment quality guidelines. The results showed PAHs concentrations ranged from below the method detection limit (<DL) to 13.492 ng.g−1(dry weight) with the highest concentration of PAHs were detected at TJU 1 station as much as 13.492 ng.g-1. As many as seven types of PAHs were identified in Bintan water, they were Naphthalene (two rings), Fluorene and Anthracene (three rings); fluoranthene, Pyrene, Benzo (a) Pyrene and Chrysene (five rings). Based on diagnostic ratios, the sources of PAHs in this coastal area were mainly from pyrogenic origins. Ecological risk assessment has shown that the average value of ∑10 PAH in Bintan waters (5.855 ng.g-1) is lower than the corresponding ERL, ERM, TEL, and PEL value indicating that the adverse biological effects of PAHs are generally low.Keywords: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), Distribution, Pollution, Bintan WatersABSTRAKPulau Bintan merupakan pulau kecil di Kepulauan Riau yang berbatasan langsung dengan negara Singapura dan Malaysia serta perairannya dilintasi oleh jalur pelayaran internasional sehingga potensi pencemaran dari aktivitas di laut sangat tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur konsentrasi, distribusi spasial, sumber asal pencemaran dan analisis resiko lingkungan senyawa PAH dalam sedimen permukaan di perairan pesisir Pulau Bintan. Sedimen permukaan diekstraksi dengan sistem ultrasonik dan dianalisa akhir dengan GCMS. Data senyawa PAH diolah dengan software ArGIS untuk membuat peta distribusi spasial, dianalisa dengan metode diagnosa rasio untuk mengetahui sumber pencemarnya dan dibandingkan dengan nilai baku mutu sedimen untuk mengkaji resiko ekologinya. Hasil analisis di setiap stasiun sampling di Muara Pengudang dan Tanjung Uban menunjukkan konsentrasi Total PAH (TPAH) berkisar antara < limit deteksi alat (1 ngg-1) sampai 13,492 ng.g-1 berat kering dengan konsentrasi tertinggi terdeteksi di stasiun TJU 1 yaitu sebesar 13,492 ng.g-1.  Sebanyak tujuh jenis senyawa PAH teridentifikasi di perairan Bintan ini diantaranya Naphthalene, (dua cincin benzene), Fluorene dan Anthracene (tiga cincin benzene); Fluoranthene, Pyrene, Benzo (a) Pyrene, dan Chrysene (empat cincin benzene). Berdasarkan analisa diagnosa rasio, sumber pencemaran PAH di perairan pesisir Bintan adalah berasal dari kombinasi antara sumber pirogenik. Analisis resiko lingkungan menunjukkan nilai rata-rata ∑10 PAH di perairan Bintan (5,855 ngg-1) masih rendah dibandingkan nilai ERL, ERM, TEL dan PEL, hal tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa efek biologis senyawa PAH secara umum rendah.Kata kunci: Polisiklik Aromatik Hidrokarbon (PAH), Sebaran, Pencemaran, Perairan Bintan


Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT)


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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1. Governance of mangrove restoration and conservation to climate change resilience in Bintan Island;IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science;2021-07-01

2. Organic Pollutants Hazard in Sediments and Green Mussels in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia;Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal;2021-03-05








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