Research of the factors that determine the rehabilitation potential and satisfaction of the medical care of patients with acute stroke in China and Russia


Yu X. X.1,Shmonin A. A.2,Verbitskaya E. V.1,Bondareva E. A.3,Zhou J. .4,Melnikova E. V.3


1. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

2. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University; Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre; City hospital No. 26

3. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University; City hospital No. 26

4. The first clinical hospital of medical University of Chongqing


This study examined the factors that determine the recovery of the patient after an acute cerebrovascular accident, and satisfaction with medical care and rehabilitation in the Russian Federation and Republic of China. We interviewed 522 patients in Stroke units in Russian and China. We analyzed personal patient factors, quality of life (EQ-5D), social and economic factors, the characteristics of the treatment and rehabilitation of the patient and staff attitude to the rehabilitation process. Logistic regression with ROC-analysis was used. Results. Quality of life in patients with a stroke depends on the country where the patient is receiving treatment and rehabilitation (higher in Russia than in China). The more time a patient spends in the hospital leads to the low quality of life. Having diabetes reduces the quality of life. In Russia, a good recovery and rehabilitation high potential contributes to the presence of the total family income of patient 40-60 000 rub per month, and the highest value on the Rankin scale, but a high value on NIHSS and RI on admission reduces a good recovery after a stroke. A lot of money for rehabilitation and treatment of patients with stroke lead to good patient recovery. Conclusion. Rehabilitation of stroke patients will be more effective if patient has a significantly limited ability to live, but has not high severity of the stroke and immobility problem then other factors such environment and psychological factors plays key role.


FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia


General Medicine

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