Temperature and hemodynamic effects during the occlusion test on the upper limbs of healthy subjects: synchronicity, vasoconstriction, vasodilation


Sagaidachnyi A. A.1,Fomin A. V.1,Skripal A. V.1,Usanov D. A.1


1. Saratov State University


The aim of the study is to describe the temperature and hemodynamic effects that occur during the pressure cuff test (CT). Materials and methods. The reaction to CT has been studied by thermography, photoplethysmography, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound dopplerography. Results. At rest oscillations in skin temperature and hemodynamics of the left and right hands were synchronous. During occlusion a vasoconstriction of arteries below the cuff occurred, the blood being deposited in the venous bed. The opening of the sweat channels on the fingers of the subjects during the application and/or removal of occlusion was recorded for the first time. Conclusions. Occlusion leads to a transition from the oscillatory regime of changes in the tonus of the vessels of the shoulder and hand to the regime of vasoconstriction, and after the removal of occlusion - to vasodilation.


FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia


General Medicine

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