Study of soft tissue microcirculation in surgical intervention zone before and after single-stage correction of feet multicomponent deformities in patients with cerebral palsy


Shchurova E. N.1,Leonchuk S. S.1,Popkov D. A.1


1. Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics


Introduction. Simultaneous correction of severe deformities of the feet may be accompanied by a negative effect on the trophism of the adjacent soft tissues. However, the literature does not pay enough attention to the analysis of the blood supply to soft-tissue structures in the field of surgical intervention in the correction of complex deformities of the feet. The aim of the study is to investigate condition of soft tissues blood supply in the area of surgery before and after simultaneous correction of severe feet deformities by triple arthrodesis in patients with cerebral palsy.Material and methods. The article is based on the results of study of 21 cerebral palsy patients with multicomponent feet deformities. All patients underwent simultaneous correction of foot deformities with usage of internal fixation. Patients were examined for the soft tissues blood supply (skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles) in the area of surgery using laser and high-frequency Doppler flowmetry before and after performing all phases of foot surgery.Results. Capillary skin blood flow after performing all stages of operation, removing tourniquet and suturing tended to increase in all areas of measurement, but significantly increased on the dorsum of the foot, at points 1 (by 53.3 %, p <0.05), 4 (by 69.0 %, p<0.05), and at point 6 (53.9 %, p <0.05). Indicators of blood flow of subcutaneous fat and muscle tissue after performing all stages of operation and removal of tourniquet did not significantly differ from the preoperative level. In the long-term follow-up period, all examined patients showed good clinical results in 81 % of cases, satisfactory – in 19 % of patients who noted periodic moderate pain in the feet after a long walk. There were no unsatisfactory results.Conclusion. After simultaneous intraoperative correction of severe feet deformities by triple arthrodesis in the area of operative wound in patients with cerebral palsy, there is no decrease in the microcirculatory blood flow in soft tissuesin the surgical intervention area. There is either stabilization or an increase in the perfusion of these structures.


FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia


General Medicine

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