Specificity of manifestation of functional asymmetry microcirculation parameters at physical loads on the upper limbs


Mezentseva L. V.1


1. Research Institute of Normal Physiology Anokhin


Purpose – the study the functional asymmetry of oscillatory processes of microcirculatory bed at physical loads on the upper limbs.Material and methods. Microcirculation parameters were measured in 5 healthy volunteers (men aged 50–55 years) by laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). LDF signal sensors were fixed symmetrically on the lower parts of the right and left shoulders (3 cm above the elbow bend). Physical exercise consisted of machs left or right hand in the standing position for 1 min. Measurements were performed in 3 conditions: 1 – initial state, 2 – immediately after exercise, 3 – 5 min after load termination The changes in the mean perfusion value and the components of the amplitude-frequency spectrum of blood flow fluctuations (myogenic, neurogenic, respiratory and cardiac), as well as the correlation between the changes in all parameters of the right and left sides of the observation were evaluated.Results. Asymmetry of changes in microcirculation parameters and correlations between them under the physical loads on the upper limbs was revealed. It is shown that both left and right machs change the microcirculation parameters of both the left and right sides, and the changes on the left are more pronounced than on the right. It is shown that after the left machs the blood flow on the left and right increases, and after the right machs – reduced. After loads the right side is recovering more slowly than the left.Conclusions. Our results illustrate the specific regulation of blood flow in micro vessels of paired organs, which is associated with functional asymmetry. The physiological mechanisms for this asymmetry require further experimental and clinical studies.


FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia


General Medicine

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