The computer and magnetic resonance imaging in the early assessment of the clinical course of ischemic stroke


Aldatov R. Kh.1,Fokin V. A.1


1. Almazov National Medical Research Centre


The most important benefit that imaging provides to a patient with ischemic stroke is the rapid identification of those patients who are most likely to benefit from emergency treatment. This group includes patients who suffer from severe neurological symptoms due to the occlusion of the main artery, and those who are candidates for recanalization by intravenous thrombolysis or intra-arterial intervention to remove blockage.Objective – to assess the sensitivity and significance of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in early diagnosis of infarction foci.Material and methods. The results of radiologic studies of 89 patients with a clinical picture, suspected of acute ischemic cerebral circulation disorders, received in the first 24 hours from the moment of development of neurological symptoms were analyzed.Results. As a result of our study, it was shown that in the first group of patients received in the first 4.5 h from the moment of development of neurological symptoms of CT-signs of stroke were not detected in 16 (76 %) of 21 patients, while those received in the first 24 h from the moment of development of neurological symptoms of CT-signs of stroke were not detected in 14 (28 %) of 50 patients, determined by the symptom of strengthening of the artery, loss of differentiation between gray and white matter of the brain, smoothness of cortical furrows and the appearance of a zone of reduced densitometric density brain substances (<22HU). The difficulties of diagnosis in some patients on CT were the size and localization of ischemic areas (lacunar, stem strokes). In group II of 18 patients of the study, native MRI revealed signs of ischemic areas in 10 patients out of 10, complex CT and MRI to determined areas of hypoperfusion in 8 patients out of 8.Conclusion. CT is the most widely used imaging technique for cerebral infarction with high sensitivity to intracerebral hemorrhage, high specificity in ischemia, but low sensitivity to the detection of ischemic changes is a limiting factor. The data obtained confirm that MRI is a reliable method of diagnosing ischemic stroke. The most sensitive in the diagnosis of ischemic changes in the acute stage of development by using DWI (b1000).


FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia


General Medicine

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