Endothelial dysfunction: from the particular to the general. Return to the «Old Paradigm»?


Vlasov T. D.1,Nesterovich I. I.1,Shimanski D. A.1


1. Pavlov University


The vascular endothelium is a heterogeneous structure with diverse functions, being an active metabolic system. Endothelial cells mediate inflammatory and immune processes, regulate leukocyte adhesion, permeability and vascular tone, participate in the hemostasis system, stimulate the processes of angiogenesis. Endothelial dysfunction can initiate individual disorders, but more often it is a universal link in the pathogenesis of many diseases. Currently, endothelial dysfunction is presented as an imbalance between the production of vasodilating, angioprotective, antiproliferative factors, on the one hand, and vasoconstrictive, prothrombotic, proliferative factors, on the other hand. The manifestations of endothelial dysfunction, the direction and severity of these changes may vary depending on the disease. The review provides examples of combined endothelial disorders in the most studied and common diseases (essential hypertension, type 2 diabetes, systemic diseases of the connective tissue, atherosclerosis, and malignant tumors). Despite the presence of rare cases of isolated endothelial dysfunction, it can be argued that in the absolute majority of diseases, endothelial dysfunction has combined type of violations. The allocation of individual endothelial disorder spectra, typical for a specific disease, is problematic, due to the universality and nonspecificity of the manifestations of endothelial dysfunction. These conclusions allow us to return to the origins of this problem, considering endothelial dysfunction as a holistic concept, not limited to a certain range of its disorders.


FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia


General Medicine

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