Radiological microcirculatory findings in a relatively normal radiological picture of the lungs


Amosov V. I.1ORCID,Zolotnitskaya V. P.1ORCID


1. Pavlov University


Introduction. In clinical practice the state of the lungs could be assessed by a large number of functional, laboratory and instrumental tests, including a powerful approach like radiodiagnosis. Reliable, timely detection of hemodynamic disorders in the lungs, as well as their correct interpretation, are important for effective treatment. Objective. To show the diagnostic significance of SPECT in the detection of lung pathology in patients with a relatively normal radiographic picture. Materials and methods. SPECT data of patients had a relatively normal X-ray picture of the lungs were analyzed to assess changes in lung circulation. Patients (n=176) were divided into groups according to diseases: group 1 – patients (n=78) with post-COVID syndrome; group 2 – patients (n=23) with heart failure, PH; group 3 – patients with vasculitis (n=48); group 4 – patients with lymphoproliferative diseases (n=27) (acute lymphoblastic leukemia, peripheral T-cell lymphoma, diffuse B-cell lymphoma). Results. SPECT was shown to be useful in detecting disorders in the microvasculature of the lungs in patients with various pathologies. The results of X-ray and radionuclide methods were compared for patients with lesions of the bronchopulmonary system. The diagnosis errors of a radiologist caused by non-obvious changes on radiographs of the chest cavity organs were analyzed. Conclusions. Lung radiological examination is a complementary to X-ray method and in some cases it is preferred to establish the causes of the disease due to the higher sensitivity. The radiological algorithm, qualitative and quantitative assessment of the results of radiological examination, allows to detect minimal changes in the lungs.


FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia


General Medicine

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