1. Almazov National Medical Research Centre
2. Almazov National Medical Research Centre; Pavlov Universit
We report an analysis of published data concerning the measurement of systemic hemodynamic parameters in experiments on laboratory animals. The article highlights the influence of such issues as housing and husbandry, handling, the frequency of person contact, animal surgical modification and pharmacological support in the perioperative period on blood pressure and heart rate, the most frequently recorded parameters both in experiment and clinic. Published data should be taken into account when planning and preparing an experiment using biomedical animal models, as well as when developing and submitting a protocol to the bioethical commission. Assessment of systemic hemodynamics is an integral part of physiological monitoring in any surgery of animals allowing better standardization of experimental endpoints and timely correction of possible deviations.
FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia