
Akopov A. L.1,Rusanov A. A.1,Papayan G. V.1,Kazakov N. V.1,Gerasin A. V.1


1. I. P.Pavlov First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University


One of the disadvantages of photodynamic therapy is impossibility to specify the method according to biological features of malignant tumor such as a degree of blood supply, accumulation of photosensibilizator in tumorous tissue, proliferative activity and etc. The authors aimed to develop a mode of individualization of endobronchial photodynamic therapy of central non-small cell carcinoma of lung and assessment of method efficacy. The suggested method is based on fluorescent diagnostics of degree of accumulation of photosensibilizator in timorous tissue and the rate of its expenditure in process of performing of photodynamic therapy. There was made a comparison of parameters of methods and results of photodynamic therapy in 2 randomized groups. Each group consisted of 45 patients. The research method was applied in the main group and the standard method was used in the comparison group. It was found that the research method allowed significant reduction of duration of irradiation compared with conventional method (at the average from 690±65sec to 470±45sec, p=0,02), though the treatment results were the same. The suggested method allowed separation of group of patients with absence of fluorescence of timorous tissue. Performance of photodynamic therapy is unreasonable for these patients.


FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia


General Medicine

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1. Photodynamic therapy for R1 lung cancer resections;Grekov's Bulletin of Surgery;2019-03-28








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