Percutaneous puncture-draining interventions under ultrasound monitoring of fluid collections in acute pancreatitis


Kurbonov K. M.1,Nazirboev K. R.1ORCID


1. Tajik state medical university named after Abuali ibni Sino


The OBJECTIVE of the study was to improve the results of treatment of patients with fluid collections in acute pancreatitis with a minimally invasive method. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Results of percutaneous-puncture interventions under ultrasound in 62 patients with acute pancreatitis in the presence of fluid clusters were analyzed. In the first day from the moment of the disease, 39 % of patients admitted during the second and the third days – 31 % and more than three days – 20 % of patients. RESULTS. Diagnostic punctures of fluid collections under ultrasound control were performed. In 49 (79 %) of 62 patients, the puncture was effectively transformed into percutaneous drainage. In 13 of 49 patients were further operated. Lethal outcomes after puncture-draining interventions were in 5 cases. Among 44 patients operated with a minimally invasive method of acute pancreatitis, recovery was noted in 24, recurrence of fluid collections – in 7, 13 patients were operated on. CONCLUSION. Thus, early diagnosis and timely implementation of conservative and minimally invasive methods of treatment contributed to improving the immediate results of treatment of patients with fluid collections in acute pancreatitis.


FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia


General Medicine

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1. Diagnosis and treatment tactics acute pancreatitis;Health care of Tajikistan;2023-11-08







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