Iindividually typological and concomitant variability of morphological characteristics of the coronary arteries


Zharikova T. S.,Milyukov V. Y.,Nikolenko V. N.


Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death and disability in the population in most developed countries. The organization of the vascular bed is an objective indicator of the state of the trophic tissue of any organ. The aim is to identify the individually-typological and concomitant variability of morphological characteristics of the coronary arteries in adults of the second period of mature and elderly. Materials and Methods: 161 coronary angiograms were investigated without evidence of pathological changes in coronary arteries of people of both sexes aged 36 to 74 years using the programs «Syngo Fast View», «ImageJ», «Adobe Photoshop CS7», «Microsoft Excel», «SPSS». Results: We identified the indivi-dually-typological and concomitant characteristics of the coronary arteries in people of different ages and sex in norm. Conclusions: Right and left coronary arteries have 3 types for the length of the main trunk (short, medium, long) and types of interposition of the branches of first order: 1 - compact (less than 47.420, less than 45.430), uniform (47.42 - 83.78; 45.43 -82.77), 3 - sparse (more than 83.78, 82.77 or more, respectively) depending on the angle between them (in diastole). Received data about anatomy of coronary arteries allows a more objective approach to the definition of tactics of treatment of cardiac patients.


FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia

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