1. Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Surgical Technologies named after Academician A.M. Granov
2. Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Surgical Technologies named after Academician A.M. Granov;
Pavlov University
3. Pavlov University
4. Saint Petersburg Medical Information and Analytical Center
5. Saint Petersburg City Polyclinic № 32
Introduction. In view of the course of the disease, patients suffering from pancreatic adenocarcinoma go through all stages of medical care in St. Petersburg. To date, in the available literature, there are no works devoted to the analysis of the types, volumes and outcomes of medical interventions performed in this category of patients. The data obtained from such an analysis can become the basis for the development of algorithms and programs for optimizing the provision of care for patients suffering from this pathology. The objective of the study was to analyze the types of medical interventions for patients suffering from pancreatic cancer in hospitals in St. Petersburg for the period from 2014 to 2020. Methods and materials. The study group consisted of a continuous sampling of data from 2414 cards of patients diagnosed with pancreatic adenocarcinoma who applied to medical organizations in St. Petersburg in the period from 2014 to 2020. The provided medical interventions were divided into the following types: radical, symptomatic and palliative treatment. Results. In 69.4 % of patients in the study sample during the initial visit, stage III and IV of the disease were diagnosed. The volumes and methods of treatment differed for different localizations of the tumor node. In patients with a tumor lesion of the head of the pancreas, «symptomatic treatment» was most often used, in patients with localization of the neoplastic process in the body of the pancreas, «diagnostic surgery» was most often performed, in the case of damage to the tail of the pancreas, the main method of treatment was «radical surgery». In federal medical organizations, «symptomatic treatment» was most often performed. In specialized oncological medical organizations of the city, «radical», «symptomatic» and «diagnostic» interventions were performed in the same way. In city multidisciplinary hospitals, «symptomatic treatment» was most often performed. Conclusion. The data obtained should be taken into account when improving and developing new programs for the detection of pancreatic adenocarcinoma at early stages. Further monitoring of medical interventions in this category of patients is required.
FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia
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