Application of categories of the International classification of functioning in the organization of medical rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a new coronavirus infection COVID-19


Afanasyeva V. V.1ORCID,Potapchuk A. A.1ORCID,Chernysh N. V.1ORCID


1. Pavlov University


The objective was to determine the most significant categories of ICF that allow us to provide objective information about the biopsychosocial state of patients who have suffered a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 and to choose the most effective methods of rehabilitation based on the rehabilitation diagnosis of each group of patients.Methods and materials. On the basis of the clinic of the Pavlov University, a course of medical rehabilitation was conducted for 2 weeks for patients who had suffered a new coronavirus infection in severe and moderate degree of course. 2 groups were formed: EG1-25 people participating in the rehabilitation program with the use of physical exercises and EG2 — 39 people with the use of physical exercises and physiotherapy. A categorical rehabilitation profile of patients by ICF domains was compiled.Results. As a result of the application of the medical rehabilitation program, a statistically significant improvement in the indicators in EG 2 was revealed. The respiratory function (the Barbell test) improved by 14.6%, the functional state of the cardiovascular system according to the DBP indicator by 3.9%. The analysis of the results of the ICF category «activity and participation» revealed a statistically significant improvement in the motor test parameters (6MSHT) in both groups: by 11.9 % in EG2 and by 20.6 % in EG1.Conclusions. The results of the study indicate the positive impact of the proposed program of medical rehabilitation and confirm the relevance of the problem, unsolved problems and prospects for scientific research on this topic.


FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia

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