Erfaringer med samtalekortene «Hei Kropp og selvfølelse»: en kvalitativ undersøkelse


Fiskum Charlotte,Eik-Nes Trine Tetlie


Background: The aim was to examine experiences with the Norwegian-developed tool ‘Hei Body and Self-Esteem’ in connection with conversations about body image, shame, food, appearance and performance pressure. Method: Five health professional students tested the ‘Hei Body and Self-Esteem’ tool with 105 subjects aged between four and 60, with and without difficulties with food, body and weight, in kindergartens, schools, sports environments and the health service. The students’ experiences were documented through praxis logs and a focus group interview and were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: The students’ experiences indicated that the tool facilitated relevant conversations about body image, weight and eating patterns across age and gender in the various settings in which the trial took place. The students found that using the cards in conversations helped to normalize experiences and reduce shame, as well as invite more reflection and dialogue in groups, individually and among the students themselves. Implications: The ‘Hei Body and Self-Esteem’ cards may be relevant as a conversation tool in prevention, treatment and training related to body image, eating disorders and obesity. Keywords: body image, eating disorders, obesity, shame, self-esteem


Norsk psykologforening

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