Types and Role of Drug Traces


Ivanova E. V.1ORCID


1. State University of Humanities and Social Studies; Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation


The layering of narcotic drugs in expert practice is mainly investigated to classify the object as a controlled one or prove a crime subject’s connection with drugs. However, the existing methodological approaches do not allow to differentiate the mechanisms of layering. The article reviews the most common types of drug traces detected on objects in forensic research. They include traces characterizing the purpose of the object, traces of interaction of psychoactive substances with the human body, and drug use traces. The characteristics of the qualitative and quantitative composition of these types of layers are identified. The features of drug traces on the objects of legal circulation are analyzed. Based on the analysis, the significance of drug traces on the objects-carriers in investigating crimes is demonstrated.


Russian Federal Centre of Forensic Science of the Ministry of Justice (RFCFS)

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