Aim: Vertebral disc hernias are a common clinical condition. There are reported cases of recovery without surgery. However, no collective study has yet been conducted to reveal spontaneously regressing disc hernias statistically significant. Our aim is to determine the cases of spontaneous regression disc herniation and to reveal statistically significant and to reveal the chance of spontaneous regression without surgery.
Methods: For this purpose, a retrospective cohort was made from the files of 2,700 patients who came to our clinic during a period of 4.5 years. Surgical indication was determined in 341 patients and 323 patients were operated on. Physical and drug therapy as well as rest were recommended to 18 patients. These 18 patients who did not receive surgical treatment, it was determined that the disc hernias had spontaneous regression. Incidence, relative risk (RR), attributable risk (AR), and rate of protection were calculated. Comparison of the means in the SPSS and Chi-square test.
Results: The most spontaneously regressed disc herniation was determined as L5S1 level. In those treated surgically, surgical intervention as a positive factor was found to provide complete recovery in 94% of patients. Surgery indication determined that 94.42% of those who had surgery were indicated and those who did not undergo surgery and went to spontaneous regression, represented 5.57%. Spontaneous regression of disc hernias without surgery was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05).
Conclusion: It is important to consider the possibility of spontaneous regression before surgical treatment in disc herniations. In disc herniation, time should be allocated for the body's inflammatory response to heal.
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