1. State Institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Addiction of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", Kharkiv; VN Kharkiv National University Karazina, Ukraine
Today, cognitive function and their impairment in patients with neurodegenerative diseases is an urgent problem of modern neurology. The study of the neuropsychological profile makes it possible to more accurately present the picture of involvement in the pathological process of different brain structures and thereby facilitate differential diagnosis. In order to study the cognitive features of patients with neurodegenerative (demyelinating) pathology and the possibility of their psychoneurological adaptation, 104 patients with remitting type of multiple sclerosis were examined. To investigate verbal memory disorders, we used the method of "Remembering 10 words", which allows to evaluate such parameters as the amount of direct memory and the strength of delayed memory (ie indicators of short and long−term memory). The Schulte Tables technique was used to investigate arbitrary attention disorders, enabling the evaluation of arbitrary attention as volume, concentration distribution functions, and attention switching. It is concluded that the assessment of cognitive deficits as for personal characteristics and emotional, volitional disorders significantly reduces the informativeness and the ability to correct cognitive dysfunction. Thus, in severe remission multipple slerosis in women was more pronounced than in men, as well as a lack of ability to work and attention deficit.The revealed neurodynamic and operative disorders make it possible to draw conclusions about the severity of the neurodegenerative process and its prognosis.Timely detection of cognitive and emotional−personality changes can not only improve the life quality of patients with neurodegenerative diseases, but also act as an independent link in psychoneurological model of adaptation of these patients.
Key words: neuroplasticity, adaptation, neurodegenerative pathology, demyelination, cognitive dysfunction.
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