
Niyozova Salomat,


This article deals with the issues related to the prevention of domestic violence. The topicality of this article is that no specific issues on the prevention of domestic violence have been analyzed, and the experience of foreign countries in this regard has not been analyzed and studied as a separate subject of study. Furthermore, the relevance of this topic is to conduct scientific and theoretical research on the prevention of domestic violence and to make corresponding proposals and recommendations in this regard. In the process of writing the article, general scientific methods have been used: a functional approach, logical, systematic, historical, comparative-legal, statistical, and sociological surveys. The results of the research will be used in the development of criminology, prevention of domestic violence, improvement of the activities of entities and improvement of the legislation in this area, as well as the development of measures to prevent domestic violence. The results of the study can also be used in the organization of the activities of prevention entities in the field of application and the practice of law enforcement, in the teaching process. This article notes that domestic violence can be expressed in the illegal use of force, beatings, rape, coercion, arbitrariness and can be mainly physical or mental. In addition, it analyzes the views and opinions of scholars in this regard and provides relevant recommendations for improving the theory of criminal law.


Tashkent State University of Law

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