"This article examines the prospects of regulating virtual labor migration, its consequences, and causes, which are formed as a result of changes in the process of demographics and globalization. By the end of 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the world, the introduction of serious restrictions in the field of the labor force and foreign labor migration, which has a particularly important role in the economy of the country, made it necessary to develop a new form of ensuring the labor safety of the population with the aim of improving this field and developing a virtual labor institute. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), the number of remote workers in the world is 17%, and in Japan and the USA, this figure has reached almost 40%. These figures indicate the need to improve the public and the private legal system at the national level, to improve the labor migration system, and to develop a more effective mechanism for protecting the rights of virtual labor migrants. In the world, special attention is being paid to the issue of creating a legal basis for virtual labor migration, expanding the means of the national legal protection of the rights of labor migration, and creating a legal basis for applying “artificial intelligence” technology to the management of labor migration as a research direction of significant scientific and practical importance. The author puts forward a firm position that the main direction in finding a legal solution to the issues related to the regulation of virtual migration should be information technologies aimed at guaranteeing the right of a person to move from one place to another and to work and simplify these processes. "
Tashkent State University of Law
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