1. C.L. Tien and C.P. Liu, (1979) 'Survey on Vertical Two-Phase Countercurrent Flooding,' EPRI NP-984, Electric Power Research Inst., Palo Alto, CA.
2. S.G. Bankoff and S.C. Lee, (1983) 'A Comparison of Flooding Models for Air-Water and Steam-Water Flow,' Advances in Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer, Vol. 1, S. Kakac and H. Ishii, eds., pp.745-780, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, The Netherlands.
3. C.P. Liu and C.L. Tien, (1982) 'A Review on Gas-Liquid Countercurrent Flow Through Multiple Paths,' Heat Transfer in Nuclear Reactor Safety, S.G. Bankoff and N. Afgan, eds., pp. 421-446, Hemisphere Publ. Co., N.Y.
4. D.M. Speyer and L. Kmetyk, (1977) 'Flooding in Multi-Channel Two-Phase Counterflow,' Nuclear Reactor Safety Heat. Transfer, A.A. Bishop, F.A. Kulacki, S.G. Bankoff, and O.C. Jones, eds., ASHE, N.Y., pp. 55-62.
5. B.D.G. Piggott and H.G. Ackerman, (1982) 'A Study of Countercurrent Flow and Flooding in Parallel Channels', Heat Transfer in Nuclear Reactor Safety, S.G. Bankoff and N. Afgan, eds., pp. 361-378, Hemisphere Publ. Co., N.Y.