1. Bergles, A.E., 1969, Two-Phase Flow Structure Observations for High Pressure Water in a Rod Bundle, in Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in Rod Bundles, pp. 47-55, ASME Booklet, New York.
2. Chisholm, D. and Laird, A.D.K., 1958, Two-Phase Flow in Rough Tubes, Trans. ASME, Vol. 80, No. 2, pp. 276-286.
3. Collier, J.G., 1979, Two-Phase Gas-Liquid Flows within Rod Bundles, in Turbulent Forced Convection in Channels and Bundles - Theory and Applications to Heat Exchangers and Nuclear Reactors, ed. Kakaс, S. and Spalding, D.B., Vol. 2, pp. 1041-1055, Hemisphere, London.
4. Gonzalez-Santalo, J.M. and Griffith, P., 1972, Two-Phase Flow Mixing in Rod Bundle Subchannels, ASME Paper 72-WA/NE-19, 13 pages.
5. Lahey, R.T. Jr. and Schraub, F.A., 1969, Mixing, Flow Regimes and Void Fraction for Two-Phase Flow in Rod Bundles, in Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer in Rod Bundles, pp. 1-14, ASME Booklet, New York.