Assessment of Water Environment Toxicity Conditioned by the Release of Various Sanitizers


Zhukorskiy O. M.,Kryvokhyzha Ye. M.,Nykyforuk O. V.


The significance of preventing an adverse effect of various detergents and sanitizers used for the treatment (sanitation) of dairy farm equipment while maintaining its proper sanitary conditions on water bodies is underlined in the paper. Probable release into the environment of the tested sanitizing agents, including alkaline (Desmol, San alkaline, and Basix) and acidic (CircoSuper SFM, Tigma-K, and Biolight ST-2) products, from the farm per 1000 cows is predicted. Water environment toxicity at different concentrations of these sanitizers was assessed by the method of bioassay in terms of the survival rate of various hydrobionts, including <i>Tetrahymena pyriformis, Daphnia magna, Lymnaea stagnalis, Dendrocoelum lacteum</i>, and <i>Poecilia reticulata</i>. The zone of toxic effect of the studied agents, which forms the basis of the ecological passport of substances based on their influence on hydrobionts (LC<sub>0</sub>, LC<sub>50</sub>, and LC<sub>100</sub>) was determined.


Begell House


Water Science and Technology,Aquatic Science,Ecology

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