Pollutants and Their Potential Toxicity in the Water Bodies of the "Oleksandriya" Arboretum (Ukraine)


Pasichna O. O.,Gorbatiuk L. O.,Platonov M. O.,Burmistrenko S. P.,Nezbrytska I. M.,Godlevska O. O.,Vitovetska T. V.


The levels of contamination of the water bodies of the "Oleksandriya" arboretum (the town of Bila Tserkva, Ukraine) by heavy metals, petroleum products, and anionic synthetic surfactants were investigated in August 2022 and their potential toxicity for aquatic organisms was assessed. It has been proven that the detected concentrations of some heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, and Pb) in the ponds located in the Western ravine of the "Oleksandriya" arboretum can exert an adverse effect on the vital activity of hydrobionts (aquatic plants, fish, etc.). The maximum concentration of petroleum products was registered in the water of the Kholodny pond (the Eastern ravine of the park), which can cause toxic effects in hydrobionts. The water of the ponds also contained anionic synthetic surfactants probably due to the influx of municipal sewage, which also results in worsening the ecological and toxicological state of the studied water bodies.


Begell House


Water Science and Technology,Aquatic Science,Ecology

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