Features of Energy Supply of Perch and Roach Tissues under Excessive Anthropogenic Load


Martseniuk V. M.,Potrokhov O. S.


The paper deals with seasonal changes of content and ratio of adenylate nucleotides (ATP, AMP, ADP) in tissues of perch and roach in the water bodies of Kyiv city under different degree of anthropogenic load. The balance of the adenylates in tissues of specimens in the polluted water body shifts mainly towards increase the low-energy phosphates portion. From spring to autumn, the trend was revealed to decrease the ATP portion and increase of AMP, owing to active involvement of the high-energy phosphate into the biochemical reactions aimed at adaptation. This was confirmed by prevailing of the energy-consuming processes over energy-generating. Probably, over occurrence in the toxic environment, the roach developed effective adaptive mechanisms aimed at counteraction of the toxic load, which differed from those in perch, also confirming the species-specific reactions in taxonomically and ecologically remote species. The changes in the adenylates' content and their ratio are considered as potential markers to assess physiological state of the fishes in the urbanized water bodies.


Begell House

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