In this investigation, the influence of local thermal non-equilibrium (LTNE) on the onset of convection in a channel occupied with nanofluid was examined. The flow took place in the presence of a transverse magnetic field. The Buongiorno and two-field models (each independently signifying the fluid and particle phases) were used for the nanofluid and energy equation, respectively. A normal mode analysis was applied to obtain the eigenvalue problem for the disturbed state, which was solved using the Chebyshev spectral collocation technique. The effects of the governing parameters on the Rayleigh number and corresponding wavenumber are presented graphically. It was noticed that the concentration Rayleigh number, inter-phase heat transfer parameter, and modified diffusivity ratio had a destabilizing effect, while the modified thermal capacity ratio, thermal diffusivity ratio, Lewis number, and modified particle density increment had a stabilizing effect on the system.