1. Skeleton Tables of Thermodynamic Properties of Single-fluid Phase of Ordinary Water Substance: Table 1: The most probable specific volumes with their associated tolerances, Table 2: The most probable specific enthalpies with their associated tolerances, International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam 1985
2. The 1967 IFC Formulation for Industrial Use', edited by the Int. Formulation Committee of the 6th International Conference on the Properties of Steam, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York.
3. Properties of Water and Steam using the 1967 IFC Formulation for Industrial Use and Other IAPWS Releases (A Computer Program Package), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Copyright 1990, 1991
4. J.H. Keenan, F.G. Keyes, P.G. Hill, and J.G. Moore, 'Steam Tables', Wiley 1969.
5. L. Haar, J. Gallagher, and G.S. Kell, 'NBS/NRC Steam Tables' Hemisphere, New York, 1984.