1. Minutes of the Meetings of the Executive Committee of the IAPWS in Tokyo 1991. Ed. by B.Dooley, Palo Alto (1991)
2. Minutes of the Meetings of the Executive Committee of the IAPWS in St.Petersburg 1992. Ed. by B.Dooley, Palo Alto (1992)
3. Minutes of the Meetings of the Executive Committee of the IAPWS in Milan 1993. Ed. by B.Dooley, Palo Alto (1993)
4. IAPWS Release on the Skeleton Tables 1985 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ordinary Water Substance (September 1994). Issued By IAPWS (1994)
5. W. Wagner: Eine mathematisch statistische Methode zum Aufstellen thermodynamischer Gleichungen - gezeigt am Beispiel der Dampfdruckkurve reiner fluider Stoffe. VDI�Fortschrittsber. Reihe 3 (1974) Nr. 39