1. H.J. White Jr., in Water and Steam, Proceedings of the 9th ICPWS, J. Straub and K. Scheffler, Eds. Pergamon, Oxford, 1980.
2. 7th International Conference on the Properties of Steam, R. W. Haywood, Ed., ASME, New York (1970).
3. ASME Steam Tables, Sixth Edition, ASME, New York, 1993.
4. J.H. Keenan, F.G. Keyes, P.G. Hill and J.G. Moore, Steam Tables, J. Wiley & Sons, New York (1969).
5. L. Haar, J.S. Gallagher and G.S. Kell, NBS/NRC Steam Tables, Hemisphere Publ. Corp. Washington (1984).