
Бессмертнова Наталия1,Bessmertnova Nataliya2


1. Московский политехнический университет

2. Moscow Polytechnic University


The article describes the conditions and factors of modern education change-over from knowledge to competence-based paradigm. The most important component of this process is to focus on the success of the student and the teacher. The article critically analyzes the pedagogy of progress and the pedagogy of success. The author compares two social and pedagogical strategies: «received success» and «acquired success». There is also a separated question about the success of the teacher. The relevance of the pedagogy of the success is due to the contemporary social and cultural requirements. They are most suited to the model of "success – overcoming," in which success is achieved through the personal efforts of the man, in spite of unfavorable circumstances making the achievement of goals more difficult. Successful people change social reality, overcome the difficulties on their way, and organize themselves around the needed social environment, therefore, they are always lucky and create the feeling that the results of their activities are easily got. It seamlessly combines individual and social, because the activity of the individual is impossible without a social field, which would implement personal characteristics and social environment is incapable to change without such poles of activity. Modern society forms and approves the doctrine of social success. Focus on success, commitment to its achievement in different areas, adherence to and demonstration of certain standards of success became a factor, structuring the educational process and transforming it into the mode of project activities.


Russian State University of Tourism and Service

Reference17 articles.

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