1. Park K and Lee E-H 1998 Physics of Semiconductor DevicesedV Kumar and S K Agarwal (New Delhi: Narosa)p47; many references can be found elsewhere
2. Alferov Z I 1997 Compound Semiconductor 1996 (Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 155)p1
3. Craighead H G 1992 Physics of Nanostructures ed J H Davies and A R Long (London: Institute of Physics)p21
4. Luryi S 1987 Heterostructure Band Discontinuities: Physics and Device Application ed F Capasso and G Margaritondo (Amsterdam: Elsevier)p489
5. Ono M, Saito M, Yoshitomo T, Fiegna C, Ohguro T and Iwai H 1993 IEDM Technical Digestp119