1. Modeling of Contaminant Movement Near Pumping Wells: Saturated-Unsaturated Flow with Particle Tracking
2. The Resonant Sonic Drilling Method: An Innovative Technology for Environmental Restoration Programs
3. Black, W.H., H.R. Smith, and F.D. Patton, Multiple-Level Ground-Water Monitoring With the MP System, Proceedings of the Conference on Surface and Borehole Geophysical Methods and Ground Water Instrumentation, National Water Well Association, Dublin, OH, 1986, pp.41 - 60.
4. Black, W.H., J.A. Goodrich, and F.D. Patton, Ground-Water Monitoring for Resource Management, paper presented at ASCE International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Ground Water, Anaheim, CA, August21-28,1988, pp.1 - 7.