1. Hydraulic Design of Labyrinth Weirs
2. Leite Ribeiro, M., Boillat, J-L., Schleiss, A., Laugier, F. and Albalat, C. 2007. Rehabilitation of St-Marc dam - Experimental optimization of a Piano Key Weir. 32nd Congress of IAHR, The International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research. Venice, Italy.
3. Leite Ribeiro, M., Bieri, M., Boillat, J-L., Schleiss, A., Delorme, F. and Laugier, F. 2009. Hydraulic capacity improvement of existing spillways - Design of piano key weirs. 23rd Congress of Large Dams. Question 90, Response 43. 25-29May 2009. Brasilia, Brazil.