1. Agrawal, A. and C.C. Gibson. Introduction: the role of community in natural resource conservation. pp.1-31. In: A. Agrawal and C.C. Gibson [eds.].2001. Communities and theEnvironment: Ethnicity, Gender, and the State in Community-based Conservation.Rutgers University Press, New Jersey.
2. Commonwealth Local Government Forum. 2012b. The local government system in Uganda. p.232. Retrieved 1, 2012, from http://www.clgf.org.uk/userfiles/1/files/ Uganda%20local%20government%20profile%202011-12.pdf.
3. Commonwealth Local Government Forum. 2012c. The local government system in Kenya. pp.93-94. Retrieved 1,2012, from http://www.clgf.org.uk/userfiles/1/files/Kenya%20local%20government%20profile%202011-12.pdf.