1. Andrus, H.E., Beal, C., Brautsch, A. (2007). Alstom'sChemical Looping Coal-Fired Power Plant Development Program.Proc. of the 32ndInternational Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems, June 10-15, Clearwater, FL.
2. An integrated relap5-3d and multiphase cfd code system utilizing a semi-implicit coupling technique
3. A general framework for the integration of computational fluid dynamics and process simulation
4. A general methodology for hybrid multizonal/CFD models
5. Chilka, A., Orsino, S. (2007). Multi-zonal Model for Accurate and Faster Combustion Simulations. Proc. of the 32ndInternational Technical Conference on Coal Utilization & Fuel Systems, June 10-15, Clearwater, FL.