Hydrocarbon systems in North Africa



CRC Press

Reference2261 articles.

1. Aadland, A.J. & Hassan, A.A., 1972. Hydrocarbon potential of the Abu Gharadig basin in the Western Desert, 8th Arab Petrol. Congress, Algiers, No. 81 (B3).

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3. AAPG & AAPG European Region Energy Conference and Exhibition (November 18-21, 2007) (Abstracts):Regional Controls and Future Potential of the North African Petroleum Systems, Petroleum Geology, Exploration Successes and Future Potential in Algeria, Petroleum Geology, Exploration Successes and Future Potential of Egypt.

4. Aassoumi, H., Saber, H., Broutin, J. & El Wartiti, M., 2003 (Abs.). First spore, pollen and acritarch associations in the Ida Ou Ziki basin (southern slope of the Western High Atlas, Morocco). XVth International Congress on Carboniferous and Permian Stratigraphy, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 10-16August 2003, Abstract, 195, pp.1-2.

5. Tectonics and subsidence evolution of the Sirt Basin, Libya








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