1. An experimental study of when and how speakers use gestures to communicate
2. Gesturing on the telephone: Independent effects of dialogue and visibility
3. Bergmann, K. and S. Kopp. 2009. Increasing expressiveness for virtual agents-Autonomous generation of speech and gesture for spatial description tasks. In Decker, K., Sichman, J., Sierra, C., and Castelfranchi, C. (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009), pp.361-368. Ann Arbor, MI: IFAAMAS.
4. Bergmann, K. and S. Kopp. 2009a. GNetIc-Using Bayesian decision networks for iconic gesture generation. In Ruttkay, Z., Kipp, M., Nijholt, A., and Vilhjalmsson, H. (eds.), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, pp.76-89. Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg.