1. WG Eversole. Synthesis of diamond from carbon monoxide. Union Carbide Report, June6,1956. In: JC Angus. History and current status of diamond growth at metastable conditions. Diamond and Diamond-Like Films. In: KV Ravi, JP Dismukes, eds. Electrochemical Society, Pennington, NJ: 1989, p1.
2. R Berman. Physical Properties of Diamond. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1965, p295.
3. Growth of boron‐doped diamond seed crystals by vapor deposition
4. BV Deryagin, DV Fedoseyev. Growth of Diamond and Graphite from Gas Phase (in Russian) Moscow: Nauka, 1977. pp1-115. English translation: Surf Coat Technol 38:185, 1989.
5. Vapor Deposition of Diamond Particles from Methane