1. Hilferding R. Das Finanzkapital: Eine Studie uber die jungste Entwickiung des Kapitalismus. Wien: Wiener Volksbuchandlung; 1910. 477 p. (Russ. ed.: Hilferding R. Finansovyi kapital. Noveishaya faza v razvitii kapitalizma. Moscow: Sotsekgiz; 1959. 508 p.).
2. Lenin V.I. Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism (popular essay). Moscow: Politizdat; 1977. 136 p. (In Russ.).
3. Keynes J.M. The general theory of employment, interest and money. London: Macmillan; 1936. 383 p. (Russ. ed.: Keynes J.M. Obshchaya teoriya zanyatosti, protsenta i deneg. Moscow: Gelios ARV; 1999. 352 p.).
4. Bell D. The coming of post-industrial society: A venture of social forecasting. New York, NY: Basic Books; 1973, 507 p. (Russ. ed.: Bell D. Gryadushchee postindustrial'noe obsh- chestvo: Opyt sotsial'nogo prognozirovaniya. Moscow: Academia; 2004. 944 p.).
5. Inozemtsev V.L., ed. The new post-industrial wave in the West: An anthology. Moscow: Academia; 1999. 631 p. (In Russ.).