1. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Aim. To analyze the features of different models of heat supply in different countries in terms of identifying strategic actors and their role in the analyzed models.Objectives. To analyze heat supply models in Russia, Kazakhstan, USA and China, as well as strategic features in heat supply models of different countries; to identify strategically significant actors that play a leading role in the heat supply industry in different countries; to compare and reveal the features that can contribute to the growth of efficiency of strategizing the domestic heat supply industry.Methods. The research is carried out in accordance with the strategy theory and strategy methodology developed by academician V.L. Kvint in the aspect of analyzing the external environment, interest groups and assessing the influence of strategic actors in the industry.Results. In all the studied countries the state plays the role of regulator and controller, as the industry directly affects the economy of any country and the well-being of citizens. However, the level of regulation and influence of the state on the industry differs. The population as an actor shaping the strategic feature is identified only in the USA. This is due to the high decentralization of the industry and complicates strategizing, because in accordance with the methodology of V. L. Kvint, everyone who will subsequently implement the developed strategy should participate in the strategizing process. Each model has advantages and disadvantages. The US model of heat supply takes into account the opinion of the actors most fully, although it is the most decentralized and has the least population coverage. In contrast, China’s ultra-high centralization model achieves efficient growth and predictable planning in the heat sector. However, this model focuses on achieving quick results through the wholesale supply of heat to industrial enterprises and the use of cheap, unecological fuels such as coal.Conclusions. Most of the models analyzed tend to decentralize the heat supply system. For effective strategizing in the Russian industry it is necessary to increase the role of consumers and generating companies as strategic actors in the heat sector.
Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics - UMTE
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