Social entrepreneurship as factor of the Russian economy growth


Snisarenko S. O.1,Abyzov A. G.1,Malyavin S. N.2ORCID


1. St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics

2. Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia


The dynamic development of society in the post-industrial period is associated, on the one hand, with the massive involvement of citizens in socio-economic activity and the expansion of initiative projects, on the other, with the development of communication technologies that are helpful for agreeing on joint activities and achieving socially significant goals. Social entrepreneurship is a social institution that, in a differentiated social structure, performs those tasks and functions that were previously randomly “scattered”among the point types of activities — charity, volunteering, along with the main essence of political activity, which should be aimed at realizing the common good. Entrepreneurship as the quintessence of independent comprehension and decision-making, reaching the level of solving social problems (along with the task of creating added value), today reflects the formation of a new significant force, a factor that can significantly change the formats for solving group and social problems in cases where market and state mechanisms do not allow achieving the target result.


Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics - UMTE

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