1. St. Petersburg State University
The article presents a review of the existing in the literature approaches of theorists and practitioners to the use of online platforms for employee training. The authors analyzed a large number of relevant articles and studies on the experience of corporate online training. The positive and negative sides of online educational platforms are highlighted. The following can be attributed to the advantages of using the latter based on the experience of companies: automation of routine teaching processes, increased level of freedom of learners (autonomy in choosing the time and place of training), unlimited access to content, a wide range of services, courses, the choice of which is made depending on the size of the company and the task of training, minimization of personal contacts (in case of pandemic). In addition, the authors also focused on the negative aspects of platform learning. Among them are the lack of personal communication, difficulties in getting feedback from the tutor, theoretical and practical development of age specific application of digital materials, time costs for development, material resources for implementation, administration, course development.
Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics - UMTE
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