Purpose: This study tested the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the Depression Attitude Questionnaire of Nurse (DAQ-K). The scale measures the attitudes toward depression among Korean nurses.Methods: The DAQ-K was developed using forward-backward translation techniques. An internal consistency reliability as well as construct validity using exploratory analysis, were conducted using SPSS/WIN (21.0). The data were collected from 234 nurses at two tertiary hospitals, four general hospitals, and two hospitals in D and S city, South Korea.Results: Factor analysis results of the revised DAQ-K demonstrated that it has a four-factor structure(professional confidence, a generalist perspective, therapeutic perspective, negative prejudice) that supports construct validity. Factor loadings of the 14 items were .42-.80. The DAQ-K showed reliable internal consistency from Cronbach’s ⍺ for the total scale of .74.Conclusion: Results showed that the DAQ-K has satisfactory construct validity, and is a reliable measure of attitudes toward depression among nurses in Korea. This revised scale is likely to be useful in examining attitudes across the nurses in Korea, and may be valuable for evaluating training that addresses nurses’ attitudes towards depression.
The Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Health (social science),Pshychiatric Mental Health