prevalence of Cutaneous leishmaniasis in Babil province and some of its affiliated districts


Akeel Muslim Wisam,Hakam Ali Luma


      Cutaneous leishmaniasis is an endemic disease in many regions of Iraq and the number of cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis has increased in the last ten years.       The study  included conducting spread of the disease in some districts of Babil Governorate, which includes Al-Hilla District, Al-Mahaweel District, Al-Musayyib District and Al-Hashimiah District for the period from January 2019 to January 2020 where the cases recorded in laboratory records were approved, in which the results of the clinical examination of the injured were confirmed From the Babylon Health Department / Department of Common Zoonoses in Al-Hilla District - Al-Bakrli District, and their information was written down. The results of the current study showed that the incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis changes according to the residential area, where the highest rate of infection was in the Hashemite district, as the number of infected people reached 70, and a percentage of 38.7%, while the lowest infection in Al-Musayyib district was 17 injuries, at a rate of 23.8%, with a clear significant difference at the probability level p≤0.001.      The results of the study also showed a clear significant difference at the probability level p≤0.001 between the infection rate for males and females, as the number of infected males was 114 by 73.5%, while the number of infected females was 41 by 26.4%. The current results showed an increase in cases of infection in rural areas by 93 And by 60%, while the patients were 62 in urban areas, and by 40%.      The highest cases of infection were recorded during the month of December, reaching 57, or 36.77%, and the lowest patients in June were 2 patients, and by 1.29%, with clear moral differences at the probability level of p≤0.001, while no patients were recorded in July and August and when the injuries were distributed among the groups The age group had the                          largest share of patients among children under 10 years of age, reaching 45 with an infection rate of 29.3%, followed by the age group (12-30) years with 39 patients with a rate of 25.16%, while the lowest patients was recorded in the age group (>71) with three injuries with a rate of 1.94 The incidence of patients decreased with age. As for the relationship between cutaneous leishmaniasis and the presence of the carrier, it appeared that the highest rate of infection was among patients who were present in their homes, reaching 102 (65.8%), while the lowest infections were few among the infected people whose homes were free of the carrier, reaching 53 (34.2. %).


University of Kufa

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