1. Speech Language Pathologist post-graduation. Master student of the Post-graduation Program in Human Communication Disorders, Federal University of Santa Maria Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
2. Radiologist Doctor. Chief of the Radiology service of the Academic Hospital of Santa Maria (HUSM), Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
3. Radiology Technician.
4. Physical Specialist in Radiology Diagnostic by the ABFM. Physical specialist in radiology diagnostic by the ABFM.
5. Pulmonologist Doctor.
6. Speech Language Pathologist (SLP); Associate Professor of the Phonoaudiology Department of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, PhD.
7. Speech Language Pathologist (SLP), Adjunct Professor of the Post-Graduation Program in Human Communication Disorders, Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, PhD.
8. Speech Language Pathologist, Specialist in Oral Motricity approach with hospital. Master student of the Post-graduation Program in Human Communication Disorders, Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul.