Bezpečnosť - Riziká a ich vplyv na plnenie úloh ozbrojených síl Slovenskej republiky


Belan Lubomír


The ambition of this scientific study is to highlight some of the current security risk issues. The author relies on the results of his own research within the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic. The choice of analytical levels of interconnection of security theory, risk management and other knowledge from the military environment led to mutual interaction and synergy. The aim of this analysis is to describe the possibilities of implementing risk management into the processes of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic. For practical purposes, basic steps for implementation of current knowledge in the field and classical approaches for elimination of security risks. In this way, an overview and comparison with the latest approaches that introduce the given knowledge and skills into the training of new professionals is provided. The research also includes an assessment of the current state of the use of risk management in practice and the subsequent publication of recommendations for management and military practice.


Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica

Reference38 articles.

1. ALEXANDER, D. 2000. Confronting Catastrophe: New Perspectives on Natural Disasters. Dunedin Academic Press Ltd. ISBN: 978-19-0354-400-6.

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3. BELAN, Ľ., BELAN, L. 2014. Bezpečnostné riziká. Zborník z 19. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie Riešenie krízových situácií v špecifickom prostredí. Fakulta špeciálneho inžinierstva ŽU, Žilina, 20. - 21. máj 2014. ISBN 978-80-554-0875-0.

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